Built with 💙 by @pfelipm with Notion, Freenom, Cloudflare and Fruition. Published under a CC-BY license.
🇪🇸 Spanish version here → URL mágicos de Google (versión anterior, ya no se actualiza)
Google's URLs hide unsuspected secrets ㊙️ that we can leverage to provide our workflows and scripts with superpowers🦸🏻. The more useful ones are those that involve files hosted 📥 in Google Drive, native (editable within your browser) as well as non-native ones. Uttering the right magic words, we can attain such things as the direct download or immediate type conversion of any file in little to no time ⚡.
All the URLs beneath are well-known (some more than others) and have been crawled here and there. Nothing new under the sun, but it seemed a good idea to gather them all together, in a tabular, compact fashion, to keep them easily at hand. And as sharing this thing is a cinch.... here you are 🙌.
Found any mistakes? Know of some other URL hack 🧙♂️ yet to be added? Please, tell me 💬 using this form ↗️.
<aside> ⚠️ Some of these hacks have been found out analyzing the URLs that Google services use and are not officially documented, therefore they could stop working or do it in ways different than the current ones at any time. Use them with caution!
‼️ Important:
1️⃣ Suffixes usually substitute the /edit...
sequence of the file's URL.
2️⃣ Even though it could seem otherwise, URLs and params do not contain spaces.
3️⃣ This icon →🖇️← in the description of any URL indicates that sample screenshots are available, click ↕️ OPEN to view them.